Thank you for posting this important account and being witness to a truly worrying moment for British democracy. We are slowly but surely descending into fascism. My parents fought against that in WW2 and we must fight against it now. The BBC has shamed itself by its lack of coverage of the NHS issue. Nothing on BBC Parliament and the most cursory glimpse of the vote in the Lords in the ten o'clock news. Cowed by threats to the licence fee and chaired by Chris Patten, a Tory grandee with vested interests in the healthcare industry, the BBC has lost any claim to independence. Anyone who doubts that we are seeing a rightwing conspiracy by Tory neo-cons to undermine democracy must be wilfully blind. Little by little our liberties are being eroded. We should be ashamed that we have let things get to this stage but we must not give up. We must continue to fight to make our voices heard.