Tea is more complicated than I thought...
Tag: wtf
Oh, good idea
Pork chops
Read this recently. From the article:
Beginning September 1 ... helicopter hunters can fly over Texas ranchland, rifle in hand and shoot as many hogs as pass through their scopes. While hunting from helicopters was previously outlawed, the "pork chopper" law makes it easier and more cost effective for land owners to fight Texas' wild hog over-population problem from the air where low-flying, fast-moving helicopters can keep up with the 400-pound animals, which can run as fast as 35 miles per hour, over terrain that is often inaccessible by vehicles.
"flying below 50 feet at high speeds and shooting semi-automatic rifles from helicopters" is "inherently dangerous" [said the president of Vertex Helicopters].
Top of the food chain, baby!